I'm happy that this worked for you.
In the future, here's a tip. There's a way to know the "in memory" parameters of CentrifyDC (documented in the cheat sheet).
$ (sudo or dzdo) adinfo --sysinfo config
This way, if you suspect that the configuration file is correct, but the behavior of the client is different (e.g. the system has been running for a long time, but the parameters may have been edited and committed).
$ grep sntp /etc/centrifydc/centrifydc.conf # adclient.sntp.enabled: true # The interval between sntp clock updates. The value is the base 2 # adclient.sntp.poll: 15 $ dzdo adinfo --sysinfo config | grep sntp adclient.sntp.enabled: false
Notice the mismatch between the in-memory parameter vs. the parameter in the config file.