Thank you for your response to my problem. I apoligize for taking so long to get back to this.
Here I respond to each of your questions.
(1)The three packages mentioned should be installed together with CentrifyDC (5.3.0), could you verify from:
pkginfo | grep -i centrify?
samba system
root@library # pkginfo | grep -i centrify
system CentrifyDC Centrify DirectControl Agent
system CentrifyDC-adbindproxy CentrifyDC support for Samba
non samba system
-bash-3.2# pkginfo|grep -i centrify
system CentrifyDC Centrify DirectControl Agent
Installed 5.3 on all my SOlaris 10 and 11 systems using pkgadd, and joined AD without issue. They all work correctly.
It is only the samba systems that don't work.
We are fully licensed
(2)Have you installed the CentrifyDC from
CentrifyDC was installed using pkgadd
CentrifyDC-adbindproxy was installed using pkgadd
The Samba script fails to accept input on Solaris 10 samba server.
(3)A side note that for the version of Samba (4.4) we would suggest to use newer version of CentrifyDC and adbindproxy (5.4.0)
The 5.4.0 that I got from our internal software repositary is what is missing these;
Could I have access to download these newer files directly from your site ?
We are fully licensed under either USGS or DOI, not sure which one.
However adbindproxy is not offered in Express version. May I know if you are Express customer purely or you have licensed account which allow you to download the software?
Yes, we are licensed
Thanks for your help. Please let me know if I can have access to those two files.