Updated our system to AIX TL5 and after every reboot, Centrify errors out and does not startup.
If we stop it and start it again, sometimes it comes online properly. At other times, it takes more than one stop/start because adinfo hangs and so does centrifydc status..
errpt is posting the following:
LABEL: SRC_SVKO IDENTIFIER: BC3BE5A3 Date/Time: Wed Dec 13 12:00:41 CST 2017 Sequence Number: 804 Machine Id: 00F83C874C00 Node Id: psa Class: S Type: PERM WPAR: Global Resource Name: SRC Description SOFTWARE PROGRAM ERROR Probable Causes APPLICATION PROGRAM Failure Causes SOFTWARE PROGRAM Recommended Actions MANUALLY RESTART SUBSYSTEM IF NEEDED Detail Data SYMPTOM CODE 393222 SOFTWARE ERROR CODE -9017 ERROR CODE 0 DETECTING MODULE 'srchevn.c'@line:'376' FAILING MODULE centrifydc
The following related services do make it ok:
root 2883924 2163006 0 12:09:08 - 0:00 /usr/share/centrifydc/libexec/adinfo -m root 1573764 1246190 174 12:09:03 - 5:25 /usr/sbin/adclient -F -M
Anything that can be done to fix it's startup?