Hi, I need help with an issue on old Centrify system client.
The good server is running this version of the client
This is RH 5.11 version
# yum list | grep Cen
CentrifyDC.x86_64 5.1.0-497 installed
CentrifyDC-openssh.x86_64 6.0p1- installed
The problem child server is running:
This is running 7.2 but we have another parititon setup that is running 5.11 as well
# yum list | grep Cent
CentrifyDC.x86_64 5.4.3-887 installed
CentrifyDC-curl.x86_64 5.4.3-887 installed
CentrifyDC-openldap.x86_64 5.4.3-887 installed
CentrifyDC-openssl.x86_64 5.4.3-887 installed
On the good server the following user:
# adquery user fake
fake:x:1234:101:fake user:/home/fake:/bin/csh
on th e bad server
# adquery user fake
fake:x:1234:101:fake user:/home/fake:/sbin/nologin
Both server are using the same domain controller
What is missing here ?