Try running the adbindproxy.pl script with the --info option. It will output the samba base path it is looking for.
ie. /usr/share/centrifydc/bin/adbindproxy.pl --info
You should see output similar to the following:
[root@FILESVR01 ~]# /usr/share/centrifydc/bin/adbindproxy.pl --info
The adbindproxy.pl is used to configure the Samba to interoperate
with Centrify's DirectControl product. It checks if the machine is
joined to an AD domain. If not, it will prompt for the join operation.
It also updates smb.conf and tdb files.
For security reason, you will be prompted for password several times
in order to perform different AD operations when running this script.
The Samba base path is : /usr
CentrifyDC Version = 5.4.3-905
Best Regards,