I'm having this problem with some users and others can login in the same PC.
Linux Debian 9.5
$adinfo -m
$ adinfo -v
$ adinfo (CentrifyDC 5.5.1-400)
$ /usr/share/centrifydc/kerberos/bin/kinit ad-user
Password for ad-user@DOMAIN.LAN:
$ /usr/share/centrifydc/kerberos/bin/klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_830472692
Default principal:ad-user@DOMAIN.LAN
Valid starting Expires Service principal
28-09-2018 11:15:58 28-09-2018 21:15:58 krbtgt/DOMAIN.LAN@DOMAIN.LAN
renew until 29-09-2018 11:15:45
$ id ad-user
id: ‘ad-user’: no such user
$ getent passwd ad-user
$ adquery user ad-user
ad-user is not a zone user
This same user can login in another PC. It happens in another PC with others users.