Welcome to the Centrify forums. You are posting in the Express forum. If you're using our commercial options, see commercialbelow. If you're using Centrify Express then use:
adquery user > lists all Centrify-enabled users (all users from local and trusted domains in Express) in UNIX user format.
adquery group > lists all Centrify-enabled groups (all AD groups from local and trusted domains in Express) in UNIX user format.
This is because the identities of users and groups are generated on the fly using either the Centrify or Apple UID/GID schemes. For custom identity management like UID/GID mapping, refer to the commercial product.
For more info on Centrify CLI commands, check this oldie but goodie:
Commercial Customers
- Centrify CLI: same methods as above (for a simple host).
- Centrify Report Services (preferred) - Use the Access Manager Report (User and Group Reports)
More info: https://docs.centrify.com/en/css/2018-html/index.html#page/Reporting/What_Centrify_report_services_provides.2.html - Access Manager GUI
Open the Zone(s) in question, UNIX Data > Users or Group > Export List.
More info: https://docs.centrify.com/en/css/2018-html/index.html#page/Planning,_preparation,_and_deployment/unix_access_manager_intro.html - PowerShell and AD Edit
Here's a quick PowerShell one-liner that displays all users from a zone called 'Global'Get-CdmUserProfile -Zone (Get-Zone -Name 'Global') | Select-Object Name, Uid, PrimaryGroupID, Shell, HomeDirectory, Gecos | Out-Gridview
Produces this output
For Group Profiles, use Get-CdmGroupProfile
More info
- ADEdit - https://docs.centrify.com/en/css/2018-html/index.html#page/ADEdit_scripting/What_ADEdit_provides.3.html
- Centrify Access PowerShell - https://docs.centrify.com/en/css/2018-html/index.html#page/Access_control_and_privilege_management_with_PowerShell/Using_cmdlets_to_manage_access.2.html
I hope this helps.