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Looks like you've posted in Centrify Express. Are you a commercial customer? Instructions like these are part of the enablement during professional services delivery.
If you're referring to Privilege Access Service, you can use Report Builder (Core Services > Reports > New Report) and this capability is self-documenting (e.g. you have access to the data dictionary inline).
Here's an example using te VaultAccount table (the table that contains the accounts in the vault):
As you check te boxes, it will provide you with the SQL.
You can also preview your results.
Another example (and that's what I think you meant) is a Centrify Directory user. In that case I'd look at the Event Table within the Cloud.SaaS.PasswordChange context and relate to te CDUser table.
Unfortunately I don't have data for that example (Idaptive leads feel free to chime-in).
If you are referring to an Active Directory user, you can use PowerShell or other tools
e.g. get-aduser -filter * -properties passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires |ft Name, passwordlastset, Passwordneverexpires