Hmmm... unfortunately I am not a Samba expert (just a volunteer).
However, I don't see any reason why years ago or now this won't work.
Perhaps the pitfall has to do with the device permissions themselves. If I go by the same way shares are set (there is the filesystem permissions+share permissions), I would assume that the print device has to be permissioned correctly along with the share.
In addition, if you understand what we provide (just an identity mapper, unlike before when we provided a modified version of Samba), things have changed for simplicity sake.
Keep in mind that you're dealing with different concepts here too:
Unauthenticated Access vs SSO.
Also, perhaps if you tell us the general objective of what you want to accomplish (without any implementation steps) we may be able to steer you with a different set of steps.
Let's see of somebody else chimes in.