Welcome to the Centrify community.
The UNIX identity in Express/Workstation mode is auto-generated.
- login is the AD users's samaccountname. For groups, name is the samaccountname.
- UID is generated using either the Centrify or Apple algorithms with the object's SID.
- Primary Group GID - same as above.
- GECOS is the user's Display Name.
- home and shell directory are the default for the OS. Since Express is only available on Linux: /home/user and /bin/bash
The commercial versions support full identity management or the overrides.
Supports the following schemas: RFC2307, SFU, Centrify Standard, etc.
Management is via GUI/MMC, PowerShell, adedit (UNIX/TCL), etc.
The post you referenced is from 2012. Back then, the local overrides were supported in Express, unfortunately these capabilities were removed in the summer of 2014 due to abuse.