Welcome back to the Centrify Express community.
Remember that Centrify Express works in Auto Zone mode. This means that the UNIX identity of the user is generated by our client (instead of using any fields in AD). This means that
- login = user's AD account name (called sAMAccountName)
- uid = auto generated large integer (based on the user's object SID)
- primary group = auto private (same as uid)
- home = /home/user on Linux, HP-UX, AIX; /Users/user (on OS X), /exports/home/user (on Solaris)
- shell = default shell for OS
- gecos = user's AD Display name
Commercial customers (users of Standard Edition) have the ability to change this information based on their needs.
This can be done at an individual system level, groups of systems or globally.
This article explores the options available:
In addition, commercial customers can use the parameter-based overrides like auto.schema.homedir (this will apply to all users in a single host) for Auto Zone.
I hope this explains the behavior.