Hello Guys,
I have got some interesting questions here. I have worked on CA cloud IDAM service but i am new to centrify cloud IDAM hence i got some strange questions so hopefully some body can clear the doubts from my mind.
1. I got some 10 cloud web apps in my private cloud and i would like to integrate them for provisioning and SSO federation from centrify cloud service ? Please explain me in detail how can i do that ?
2. what are all components i have to install in my private cloud? Does only centrify cloud connector should be enough to integrate them and if yes can i install one in my private cloud which can manage all of these 10 cloud apps?
3. I have seen in the centrify docs about onpremise AD integration with centrify cloud service by installing centrify cloud connector at onpremise side but how about we can integrate the cloud applications with centrify cloud ?
Really appreciate your ideas and answers. Please provide me any documents link if you got. Thanks inadvance. Cheers !