Regarding your questions, it seems you are evaluating the Cloud Identity Service offering. To help with these items, you may be able to leverage Sales assistance in rolling out your POC
In any event, I have answered the questions below;
1. I got some 10 cloud web apps in my private cloud and i would like to integrate them for provisioning and SSO federation from centrify cloud service ? Please explain me in detail how can i do that ?
Centrify offers a massive library of pre-configured applications, encompassing most apps which are used in Business. If the app is not in the catalog, however, we also offer various templates to create the app yourself.
This includes, SAML and WS-Fed for SSO. If you have apps which are only accessable internally, then you can utilize Centrify App Gateway, which will allow Users to connect to your internal facing apps, using the Cloud Connector to proxy the connection. You can implement the app via SAML, or WS-Fed if already in use.
2. what are all components i have to install in my private cloud? Does only centrify cloud connector should be enough to integrate them and if yes can i install one in my private cloud which can manage all of these 10 cloud apps?
This question is related to question 1, and the component needed is just the Cloud Connector. This will proxy authentication requests so that Users can seemlessly log in to all of the apps without entering credentials if the apps are SAML or WS-Fed. Further more, if the apps are internal only, you can use Centrify App Gateway to proxy connections through the User portal.
3. I have seen in the centrify docs about onpremise AD integration with centrify cloud service by installing centrify cloud connector at onpremise side but how about we can integrate the cloud applications with centrify cloud ?
The apps will be built and deployed to Users, based on the Security groups they belong to in AD. These are mapped to Roles in the Cloud for access to the various apps, as well as authentication methods for the role, etc.
This link explains in greater detail how to deploy Apps, with some specific instructions, where needed, depending on the app.
Introduction to application management
Again, I would recommend calling in to Sales and explaining that you are trying Centrify and would like some assistance with your POC, if you would like more assistance.
Feel free to message me directly with your tenant ID and I can touch base with the team for you, if you like.
I hope this helps!
Have a great day!
Ryan V