Thank you for your reply. I went to Centrify's web site to make sure I have the latest version. The download files appear to be identical to what I already have.
Upon running the installer, I see this message:
With this script, you can perform the following tasks:
- Install, update or remove the Centrify DirectControl packages
- Check OS, network and Active Directory configuration
- Join an Active Directory domain
- Restart the local computer after installation
You can type Q at any prompt to quit the installation and exit
the script without making any changes to your environment.
Currently installed:
CentrifyDC-5.3.1 is already installed. Do you want to erase it (E),
reinstall (R) 5.3.1 or keep (K) current CentrifyDC package? (Q|E|R|K) [K]:
If I am indeed one version back, I am at a loss as to how to upgrade. I am using the Express version of Centrify and this seems to be the latest from the download section.