I'm trying to change the primary GID of my user but without success.
At the moment the userid is :
# id pr7
uid=641760211(pr7) gid=641760211(pr7) groupes=641760211(pr7) ,641760243(linux_account)
But the primary group of pr7 from Active Directory side is linux_account.
It works for my other user :
# id pr7_c
uid=641760247(pr7_c) gid=641760243(linux_account) groups=641760243(linux_account),641760238(linux)
Is that possible to modify the gid of the user pr7 now ? Or do I have to delete/create again the user pr7 ? Or maybe reinstall centrify ?
I'tried adreload && adflush and centrifydc restart, but whithout success.
Kind regards,